Indeed you might ask- in this case, it's the slightly dodgy name a new frame builder ['Hard Up Choppers'] have come up with for their generic bandit/GSXR frame kit. £495 all in, sounds like an absolute steal to me, and by the looks of things, it's a quality piece of kit too. I was hoping to do a chop next year, but full-time college (ie low bread) and a dead car may well put paid to that bright idea. So normal service is resumed- dreamin' on', daydreamer.
What would I do? Score a cheapo bandit 1200, sling it together. Add Hinckley triumph spoked rims at a later date, maybe something a little taller than 17'' on the front. Stainless 4-1 when bread allows. Milled Slabs, solo seat on pushbike shox, mid-controls, pod filters, rattle can til I can spend more on paint. I'm doing it again...is there Daydreamers Anonymous?
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