I've been looking through some old bike mags from the early 1990s, reminiscing a little I guess, and it struck me that things were a whole lot less fragmented back then. I mean, nothing changes, and rallies/drag racing/bike shows are much as they were then. But open a mag now, and chances are the range of material is gonna be pretty narrow in terms of subject matter. Back then, BSH/AwoL and Custom Bike all had a real variety of bikes- you'd see a beezer cafe next to a vmax next to a car trike; all of which sounds somewhat lurid, but you get my drift. What I'm trying to get across is that I really like that kind of variety, and it's part of my mission with the blog. Not to recreate the bike press from 20 years ago, but bring you a range of diverse machines without straying too far from the remit.
Feedback and suggestions always welcome.
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